Amoco Fan Belt Metal Rack Display Service Station Rack

A staple in your local service station, this Amoco fan belt display rack always had a fan belt for your automobile! Their motto was “Carry a spare” as you never knew with older vehicles when a belt would break. Some surface scuffs can be seen on the right upper part of this multicolor sign, with a scratch that goes through the Amoco letters in the center. Slight paint loss on the upper rounded lip with a small bend on the right side can be seen as well. To make this look period correct, we are including the variety of belts you see on the display. Great for your man cave decorations! 19717-EPP




SKU: 19717


1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 34 × 7.5 in
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Amoco Fan Belt Metal Rack Display Service Station Rack

A staple in your local service station, this Amoco fan belt display rack always had a fan belt for your automobile! Their motto was “Carry a spare” as you never knew with older vehicles when a belt would break. Some surface scuffs can be seen on the right upper part of this multicolor sign, with a scratch that goes through the Amoco letters in the center. Slight paint loss on the upper rounded lip with a small bend on the right side can be seen as well. To make this look period correct, we are including the variety of belts you see on the display. Great for your man cave decorations! 19717-EPP




SKU: 19717


1 in stock

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