Standard Oil Co. Security Car Car Service Self Framed Sign

This neat shield shaped self framed metal sign comes to us today from Standard Oil Company, and is letting all their customers know about “Security Car Care Service” in red, white, and blue! It stands twenty-nine inches tall by twenty-three inches wide and has four mounting holes where it would mount to a pole at the service station in the mid 1950’s. The face of the sign has some light scratches, along with some minor chipping along the outer edges. The out reaching corners have a small bend from handling over the years as well. The gloss is great, and the colors really look great on this smaller sign. Make it a point to check this one out! 19440-OPP




SKU: 19440


Additional information

Dimensions 23 × 29 in
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Standard Oil Co. Security Car Car Service Self Framed Sign

This neat shield shaped self framed metal sign comes to us today from Standard Oil Company, and is letting all their customers know about “Security Car Care Service” in red, white, and blue! It stands twenty-nine inches tall by twenty-three inches wide and has four mounting holes where it would mount to a pole at the service station in the mid 1950’s. The face of the sign has some light scratches, along with some minor chipping along the outer edges. The out reaching corners have a small bend from handling over the years as well. The gloss is great, and the colors really look great on this smaller sign. Make it a point to check this one out! 19440-OPP




SKU: 19440


payment methods