Cities Service Perpetual Metal Case Daily Calendar

The Vernon Company in Newton, Iowa produced “The Vernon Lifetime Daily Date Calendar” and offered it to many companies across the country for advertising. In turn, the advertisers distributed them to their best customers as a way of saying “Thank you” for your business. This example is advertising Heathwood Oil Company in Kansas City, Kansas. The cool part about this calendar is Heathwood Oil Company was a Cities Service station, and the Cities Service logo is directly under the Heathwood Oil Company name. The calendar is a full paper flip pad with instructions on how to use the calendar. The instruction page has a torn tab on the left side that has been repaired, and the 1 calendar day has a torn tab on the right side that has been repaired. The day and month dials are made from paper and have some edge wear from turning them. A thin 2.25 inch scratch goes through Oil, and a few small scratches on the lower right corner of the face. There are some scratches on the back of the calendar and a large wear mark where the screw head scratched the inside of the hinged lid. Very cool calendar that is over 60 years old! 17975-02WTP




SKU: 17975


1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 15 in
payment methods

Cities Service Perpetual Metal Case Daily Calendar

The Vernon Company in Newton, Iowa produced “The Vernon Lifetime Daily Date Calendar” and offered it to many companies across the country for advertising. In turn, the advertisers distributed them to their best customers as a way of saying “Thank you” for your business. This example is advertising Heathwood Oil Company in Kansas City, Kansas. The cool part about this calendar is Heathwood Oil Company was a Cities Service station, and the Cities Service logo is directly under the Heathwood Oil Company name. The calendar is a full paper flip pad with instructions on how to use the calendar. The instruction page has a torn tab on the left side that has been repaired, and the 1 calendar day has a torn tab on the right side that has been repaired. The day and month dials are made from paper and have some edge wear from turning them. A thin 2.25 inch scratch goes through Oil, and a few small scratches on the lower right corner of the face. There are some scratches on the back of the calendar and a large wear mark where the screw head scratched the inside of the hinged lid. Very cool calendar that is over 60 years old! 17975-02WTP




SKU: 17975


1 in stock

payment methods