History Book of the Oyster Industry New York to Boston

Grouping of paper pieces and a book which I have read and quite interesting in the oystering industry. Explains how the Indians taught the colonist to fix and survive off of oysters. The book is by John M. Kochiss copyright 1974. Included in this group is a unused postcard from union Oyster House in Boston, Mass, Letter from Mystic Seaport Museum dated 1990 and a very rare paper letterhead from H.C. Rowe & Co Oyster Growers dated Aug 30, 1905. The letter was to J. E. Bushnell talking about the negotiated of supplies of oysters. Great grouping of pieces. 16871-WT




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History Book of the Oyster Industry New York to Boston

Grouping of paper pieces and a book which I have read and quite interesting in the oystering industry. Explains how the Indians taught the colonist to fix and survive off of oysters. The book is by John M. Kochiss copyright 1974. Included in this group is a unused postcard from union Oyster House in Boston, Mass, Letter from Mystic Seaport Museum dated 1990 and a very rare paper letterhead from H.C. Rowe & Co Oyster Growers dated Aug 30, 1905. The letter was to J. E. Bushnell talking about the negotiated of supplies of oysters. Great grouping of pieces. 16871-WT




SKU: 16871


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